Voluntary Programs for People with Disabilities in Delaware, Ohio: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking for special programs and services for people with disabilities or special needs in Delaware, Ohio? Delaware Health and Social Services, Easterseals, the Delaware Division of Developmental Disabilities Services (DDDS), the COAAA, and the YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program are just some of the organizations that provide support to individuals with physical disabilities, intellectual and developmental disabilities, autism, age-related problems, and other challenges. Delaware Health and Social Services provides an index of services and programs for individuals with physical disabilities. Easterseals offers a variety of day program services for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including autism. These services are available in New Castle, Kent and Sussex counties in Delaware and include life skills programs, prevocational services, and supported employment options.

DDDS sponsors virtually all program participants. Some people receive services through private payment agreements. The COAAA plans, funds, and provides services that help older adults and people with disabilities stay safe and independent in their homes. With the help of providers in the area, the COAAA organizes and coordinates activities of daily living such as household chores, transportation, home delivery, personal care, and more. The COAAA also provides education and resources to caregivers, professionals, and the general public.

Additionally, they advocate for programs and policies that benefit older adults and people with disabilities. COAAA manages services for 15,000 people and funds services for another 25,000 older adults in eight counties. The YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program is a great option for young people in high school or college. A trained lifestyle instructor will present topics in a supportive small-group setting to help participants explore how healthy eating, physical activity, and behavior changes can benefit their health. Easter Seals facilities provide a safe environment where participants are helped to identify their personal goals and choose activities based on their individual preferences. A managed care organization oversees health care (in Central Ohio, Aetna Better Health of Ohio or Molina Healthcare of Ohio).

Volunteers of America supports people with intellectual disabilities in 24-hour residential settings from single-person apartments to group homes that serve three or four people in each household. Teens participating in the program learn about the legislative process, how to write and research bills, and how to participate in elections. Medicaid waiver programs help provide long-term care services in the community to people who meet eligibility requirements. The organization also has a legal hotline that provides free legal information, advice, and recommendations to Ohioans over 60 regardless of income or resources.

Marcia Carro
Marcia Carro

Total social media specialist. Total beer fanatic. Infuriatingly humble internet fan. Amateur social media fanatic. Incurable coffee fanatic.